
Waves of Change

wave word

Created using Tagxedo, and utilising the outline of “Ocean Waves 2”, an image by Tim Jenney (2007), accessed 21 January 2013 from

The theme of the 2013 symposium addresses the revolution that is taking place within the library sector.  Those working within the sector, usually librarians and library technicians, are now rapidly evolving to undertake new roles as information professionals. These new roles include mastering a range of new technologies and methods of storing and retrieving digital information, whilst concurrently retaining traditional services and information sources.

The symposium will provide a programme that will enrich the way libraries provide services in the technical age, generate discussion and promote new waves of thinking. It will offer delegates a unique experience to meet industry professionals and address challenges provided by fast moving technologies, environmental limitations and diminishing budgets.

The registration period commences in May.  Put the date in your calendar to ensure you are a part of the symposium, providing time to network with colleagues, to learn more about the rapidly changing information environment and to appreciate the waves of change that afford us so many opportunities.

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